Molecules on blue background

Frequently asked questions

How can we help?
How does ordering work and what has been the success of the program so far?
What is the timeframe between order and shipment of the requested molecule?
Will the molecules be shipped free of charge?
How much molecule can I order?
How to dissolve the opnMe molecules when they arrived at my laboratory?
What is the molecule cart?
Can I save a molecule to the cart to order at a future date?
Are there any hidden costs associated with the ordering of the molecules?
What should I do if I added a molecule by mistake to my Molecule Cart?
What happens when I click on REVIEW?
Before we can process your order a verification step will be performed by our open innovation team. Why is this necessary?
What happens during the verification process?
How can I see that I have passed the verification process?
What happens if my address cannot be verified?
What are the benefits of a successful collaboration proposal for me?
How are the molecules requested?
What if I have additional confidential information?
Is funding available to support preclinical proof-of-concept studies with these molecules?
What is the timeframe for granted molecule access or proposal review?
What questions do we ask as part of the opn2EXPERTS program on opnMe?
What are the benefits of submitting an answer for this opn2EXPERTS question for me?
How do I submit and what are the requirements?
What should be key elements of a “good” proposal?
What are the key success criteria on which we base our selection for the best answer?
What are the objectives of this new PostDoc grant initiative?
What are the timelines?
How do I apply as part of this program?
What are the benefits of this new PostDoc opportunity?
Is there research funding available as part of this call?
What are the objectives of this opn2EXPERTS call?
How do I participate in this call?
What are the benefits of participating in the GPCR Route 66+ project?
Is there research funding available as part of this call?
How can I co-author the planned publication?
What questions do we ask as part of the opn2EXPERTS program on opnMe?
What are the benefits of submitting an answer for this opn2EXPERTS question for me?
How do I submit and what are the requirements?
What should be key elements of a “good” proposal?
What are the key success criteria on which we base our selection for the best answer?
What is the techMATCH program about?
Am I eligible to apply for this call?
What are the benefits of submitting an answer for this question for me?
How do I submit and what are the requirements?
What should be key elements of a “good” proposal?
Why use opnMINER?
What is a cognitive search?
What are ontologies?
What data sources are searchable?
What search options are available?