Molecules on blue background

techMATCH: A forum for collaborations

Boehringer Ingelheim invites solutions with a focus on technology

Join techMATCH and propel drug discovery and development forward with your innovative technology solutions. At opnMe, we unite your brilliance with our expertise through focused calls on engineering and technology. We welcome game-changing ideas from academia, startups, biotech, and larger corporations. Winners will benefit from a long-term, collaborative partnership, that provides open access to our expertise and the prospect of research funding.
Deadline: 9th July 2024

Champion intraocular therapy drug delivery systems

How would you propose to progress intraocular drug delivery systems for the posterior segment that ensure sustained release over at least three months for diverse therapeutic modalities?

Christoph Marschall, Olaf Behrend
Development Biologicals / Development NCE
Boehringer Ingelheim